What is the main theme of surah al furqan?

What is the main theme of surah al furqan? Surah al furqan ( in Arabic: الفرقان, meaning: The Criterion) is the 25th chapter surah of the Qur’an, also known as Tabarak (تبارك), Al furqan means separator of the truth from falsehood. Surah Al-Furqan discusses topics such as monotheism, Qiyamah, prophethood, and fighting idolatry and its final verses talk about the qualities of true believers. Surah al furqan is called Al-Furqan from the word that appears in the first verse.

Moreover, the main themes of surah al furqan are:

Allah’s gratitude to His servants through the revelation of the Qur’an to them, Allah’s transcendence of children and partners, disparagement of idols, mentioning them for insulting the polytheists against the prophets and messengers, and their request for miracles from them.

Humiliating the polytheists with torment, the honor of the believers in Paradise, and Allah’s speech with His angels on the Day of Resurrection will be a threat to the unbelievers and tyrants, and preaching the punishment to the criminals, and the nullity of the actions of the unbelievers when the scales are set.

The good news for the believers of their place in heaven, as she spoke about the splitting of heaven and the regret of the wrongdoers on the day their members speak, and she talked about some of the conditions of previous nations.

Praise be to Allah, and its affirmation that the Prophet -peace be upon him- was sent by Allah, and that Allah is the owner of the heavens and the earth without a partner or child, and that the creation of the universe is in the most accurate order and calculation.

Talking about the unbelievers who take gods besides Allah to benefit them, the verses show that these gods don’t harm or benefit themselves, and don’t possess death, life, or resurrection.

The most important verses of surah al furqan are about “the Servants of the All-beneficent.” Verses 63 to the end of surah Al-Furqan describe the Servants of the All-beneficent.

Why was surah furqan revealed?

Sourate al Furqan didn’t have a specific reason for its revelation as a whole, and in the Holy Qur’an, some of it is revealed for a reason, and some of it is revealed for no reason, not every surah or verse has a known cause of revelation.

Al-Wahidi mentioned in his chain of transmission from Ibn Abbas said: When the polytheists reproached the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, by poverty, and said: What is the matter with this Messenger that he eats food and walks in the markets? The Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, grieved, so Gabriel, peace be upon him, came down from Allah, comforting him, and he said: Allah sends you peace.

On the authority of Ibn Abbas: It was revealed about people from the polytheists, they killed and increased, committed fornication and increased, Then they came to Muhammad, peace, and blessings be upon him, and said: What you say and call to is good, if you tell us that we didn’t do penance, then al furqan was revealed.

What is surah furqan about?

Sourate al furqan has many significant issues, and divine laws, and directly follows the following order in the surah:-

1. The Quran is the rule, the criterion i.e. Al-Furqan to distinguish between right and wrong.

2. Transgressors are the individuals who dismiss Reality, distrust the Prophet, and preclude the Day of Judgement and hereafter.

3.Upon the arrival of Judgement Day, those False-deities worshipped by the polytheists will declare no divinity and consider the polytheists answerable for their shirk, on the Judgement Day.

4. The disbelievers will lament not opting for the Righteous Path upon the arrival of Judgement Day.

5. Sequential, gradual, and bit-by-bit disclosure of the Quran is a pearl of wisdom.

6. Allah’s decree is commanded to make Jihad against unbelief the Quran.

7. Qualities of genuine devotees are portrayed.

Toward the finish of the surah Al-Furqan, a description of the character of a true believer is given at the start of Surah Al-Mu’minoon. According to Abul A’la Maududi.

Where was surah furqan revealed?

Sourate al Furqan at Makkah like Surah Al-Mu’minun.

When was surah furqan revealed?

Al Furqan during the third phase of Prophethood.

Why the surah was named Al-Furqan?

Surah Al-Furqan gets its name, Al-Furqan, meaning criterion, or something that separates the truth from falsehood from the first verse that says, “Blessed is the one who sent down the Criterion to His servant that he may be a warner to all nations.”

It contains between truth and falsehood, disbelief and belief, which is why it is called Al-Furqan.

Benefits of surah furqan

Surah Al-Furqan has many benefits such as the following:

1. Having faith in the Day of Judgment: The Noble Prophet has been quoted as saying, “Whoever recites surah Furqan will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment while he has faith in the Day of Judgment and the resurrection of the dead from their graves. He will enter paradise without being held accountable for his deeds.”

2. Not being punished in the Hereafter and going to heaven without being held accountable for one’s deeds: Musa ibn Ja‘far al-Kazim has said, “ Don’t abandon recitation of sourate al furqan because whoever recites it at night, Allah will never punish him nor hold him accountable for his deeds, and Allah will admit him into paradise.

3. Easy marriage: If a single person wishes to get married, he should fast for three days, and every night before going to bed, he must recite verses 74-76 of surah al furqan 21 times. Then, he should ask Allah to grant his request. In this way, Allah will make his marriage easy for him.

4.A cure for shortness of breath: Verse 11 can be recited for relieving shortness of breath.

Is surah al furqan makki or madani?

Surah al furqan is one of the Meccan surahs that were revealed in Makkah Al-Mukarramah before the Prophet’s migration except for verses (68, 69, 70), which are civil verses, and they are arranged according to the revelation of the forty-second surah.

In which para is surah Al-Furqan?

Surah Al-Furqan has Verse 77, in part 19. The number of its verses is seventy-seven verses, and its location is in the nineteenth part of the Qur’an. Al Furqan clarifies the bad consequences of those who deny Allah, His Messenger, and His Book, and it talks about resurrection and recompense.

How to memorize surah Al-Furqan?

You can memorize Al-Furqan by following the mental map of the surah, which is as follows:

Surah al Furqan 77 verses about the truth of the Qur’an and the bad consequences of the deniers.

From 1:29 about denial of the Most Merciful.

From 30:77 about denial of the Qur’an.

Hadith on surah Al-Furqan

There are hadiths about sourate al furqan as follows

1-Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: I heard Hisham ibn Hakim reciting the sourate al furqan in a way different from how I recited al furqan and how it was taught to me by the Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him. I was about to argue with him, but then I waited until he finished and I tied his shirt around his neck and took him to the Prophet. I said, “Indeed, I heard this man recite in a way different from what you taught me!” The Prophet said to me, “Bring him to me.” Then, the Prophet said to him, “Recite.” He recited and the Prophet said, “As it has been revealed.” Then, the Prophet said to me, “Recite.” I recited and the Prophet said, “As it has been revealed. Verily, the Quran has been revealed in seven dialects. Recite whichever of them you find easy.

”Sahih al-Bukhari 2287, Sahih Muslim 818”

2-Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, what is the greatest sin?” The Prophet, peace, and blessings are upon him, said, “To set up a partner alongside Allah, even though he alone created you.” I said, “What is next?” The Prophet said, “To kill your child, fearing he will eat with you.” I said, “What is next?” The Prophet said, “To commit adultery with the wife of your neighbor.” Then, Allah confirmed the saying of the Prophet with the verse, “Those who don’t call upon another god besides Allah, nor kill a soul Allah has made sacred, except by right of justice, and don’t commit adultery.

” (25:68) “Sahih al-Bukhari 5655, Sahih Muslim 86”

Surah furqan dua

1- O our Lord! turn away from us the punishment of Hell, surely the punishment thereof is a lasting (66)

2- ”O our Lord! grant us in our wives and our offspring the joy of our eyes and

make us guides to those who guard (against evil)”.

Surah furqan summary

Al Furqan has 77 verses divided into 6 Rukus/Sections. Al-Furqan was revealed in Mecca. The revelation period is almost the same as that of Surah Muminoon at a time when there was the peak of famine in the region. Intense friction had begun between Prophet Muhammad and the disbelievers, though persecution had not yet started.

It is mentioned at the beginning of surah Al-Furqan that Allah the Exalted has granted that ‘furqan’ i.e great distinguishing gauge which very clearly differentiates between right and false.

One is that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was able to differentiate, not only, people around him but he could check truthful and false people of the world with the help of the great gauge Quran.

Sourate al furqan takes its name from verse 1 “Al-Furqan” which means “The Criterion” showing that the purpose of every divine revelation is to provide a criterion of truth and false and answers the blames of the nonbelievers against the Quran and the teachings and prophethood of Prophet Muhammad. Traits Of Wrongdoers And Righteous were explained in detail, and the moral superiority of the Believers has been explained.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: One who recites surah Al-Furqan, Allah will raise him on the Day of Judgement as one who has the belief that the hour is inevitable and there is no doubt in it; he will enter paradise without accounting.

The Holy Prophet has said that a person who recites surah furqan will be taken to Jannah without questioning, provided he believes in the Day of Judgment and the Raising of the Dead (from the graves).

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