What the main theme of surah al imran?

Today we will discuss surah al imran. Suratul al imran focused on providing conclusive evidence that proves the existence of Allah Almighty, emphasizing His oneness, the pillars of faith, and clarifying matters of legislation related to jihad for Allah’s sake and also the call for worshipping Him.

Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Qur’an unto Muhammed, his messenger -peace be upon him- to be one of the greatest miracles until the day of judgment comes. The Holy Qur’an was revealed to clarify the provisions of Shariah (the Islamic laws) and jurisprudence in Islam, to codify the cosmic order, and to determine whatnot. Many Qur’anic surahs were revealed in a narrative way to tell the story of a people or a prophet, and one of the most important of these surahs is al imran surah, and through the following lines, we will learn about the story of it.

What is surah al Imran about?

Surah al umran included two important pillars:

  • The pillar of belief and establishing evidence and proofs on the oneness of Allah Almighty, 
  • The pillar of legislation, especially with regard to battles and jihad for the sake of Allah.

Let’s see what the topics of aal imran surah are:

The revelation of the Qur’an is a guidance for people

The holy verses in surah al e imran came at the beginning to prove oneness and prophecy to prove the truthfulness of the Holy Qur’an, and respond to the suspicions raised by the People of the Book about Islam and the Holy Qur’an.

It also talked about the believers and their supplication to Allah Almighty to help them to stay faithful to the end.

Warning the infidels and clarifying the reality of life

Surah imran spoke about the infidels and indicated that the reason for their infidelity was them being deceived by the plenty of money and children while intimidating them with what Allah had prepared for them in the hereafter.

Also, The Battle of Badr was mentioned as an example of when Muslims defeated the infidels despite their minority in the battle.

It followed that by talking about the joys of life and that what Allah has, is better for the righteous.

Transmission of the message to the Nation of Islam

The verses in imran surah clarified that the signs of faith are apparent and that Islam is the true religion.

It also mentioned the misguidance of the People of the Book and the many contradictions contained in their religion, as a warning against falling into error and misguidance.

When the verses in suratul al imran mentioned the evidence of monotheism and the truthfulness of the religion of Islam, that was followed by mentioning promises that indicate the closeness of Allah’s victory over the infidels, and a command from Allah to His Messenger to pray and supplicant to Allah Almighty to overpower Al-Mujahdin and preserve His Holy religion.

Allah Almighty’s choice of His messengers

The verses in surat imran emphasized the high ranks of the messengers and the privilege they have, so it began with Adam, moving to Noah, then the family of Abraham and the family of Imran -peace be upon them.

It followed that by mentioning three stories: the story of the birth of Mary, the story of the birth of Yahya, the story of the birth of Jesus -peace be upon them- and the wonderful miracles of Jesus, all of which are evidence indicating the power of Allah Almighty.

Addressing the parties of the People of the Book and stating their true selves.

The verses of al imran surah called the People of the Book to believe in monotheism, and then talked about the evils of the People of the Book and described the Jews and their flaws, when they distorted the Torah and they took people’s money by force, and Allah referred to the punishment they would encounter in the hereafter, and He warned the Muslims not to be deceived by their traps.

The unity of the messages from Allah

Surah al imran clarifies Allah Almighty’s mandating His messengers to call people to the truth (Islamic religion), and that the prophets’ calling for Allah worshiping is all united, warning against deviation, encouraging repentance, and spending over poorly for Allah’s sake.

After that, surah al umran moved to talk about the food that was permitted for the Children of Israel, warning against slandering lies about Allah Almighty.

Muslim connection to Abraham and slandering of the People of the Book

The verses in aal imran surah urged to follow Abraham -peace be upon him- and spoke about the Sacred House of Allah (Alkaaba) and the necessity of doing the pilgrimage.

Allah reprimanded the People of the Book for their infidelity and obstruction of the truth, besides the verses in surah al e imran called for holding firmly to the rope of Allah all together and not to become divided.

Indicating the goodness of this nation and warning it against its enemies

The verses in surah imran direct the believers to promote virtues and prevent vice.

It also mentioned what happened to the Jews because of their transgression, and forbade taking the enemies as allies instead of Allah.

Battles in Islam

After that, the verses in imran surah talked about some battles in Islam, specifically the Battle of Uhud.

The verses included a call to hurry to Allah’s forgiveness and a paradise that is as wide as heavens and earth.

It also showed the qualities of the righteous.

Reflecting on verses talking about cosmic miracles and achieving victory

Suratul al imran concluded with verses of contemplation and reflection on the kingdom of heavens and earth and the mastery, creativity, wonders, and secrets it contains, that indicate the existence of Allah, the great creator. 

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Why was surah al imran revealed?

Many narrations were varied about the reasons for the revelation of imarn surah, especially the first verses of it, i.e. from verse 1 to verse 80 of surah Imran.

The delegation of Najran Christians

All of the verses in surah al umran revolve around the delegation of Najran Christians who, like others, came to the Messenger -peace be upon him- in the year of delegations after the conquest of Makkah and the Battle of Tabuk, wondering about what he had claimed regarding Eissa (Jesus) -peace be upon him- that he was born without having a father, as they said to the Prophet: “Why do you insult our accompany? The Prophet responded: “What did I say?” They said: “You had claimed that he is just a servant.” So He said: “Yes, he is a servant and a messenger of Allah, and His word which He directed to the Virgin Mary from Him.” So they got angry and asked: “Have you ever seen a human that’s been brought to the world without a father? If you are truthful, then show us the like of it.” So Allah Almighty revealed surah al e imran from the beginning to above verse 80.


It was also transmitted on the authority of Al-Imam al-Qurtubi that from the beginning of al imran surah to the verse 121 were revealed regarding the incident of the delegation of the Najran Christians as Allah Almighty says in verse 121 in suratul al imran:

“And [remember] when you, [O Muhammad], left your family in the morning to post the believers at their stations for the battle [of Uhud] – and Allah is Hearing and Knowing -“

The Battle Of Uhud

Other scholars said that surah al imran was revealed after Surat Al-Anfal; which in the month of Shawwal of the third year of Hijrah;  Because of the Battle of Uhud, where Muslims were defeated and some of them were martyred, among them Hamza bin Abdul Mutalib whose body was mutilated by the enemies (the infidels)

It should be noted that the interpreters agreed that each of Allah’s sayings in imran surah in verse 121 (mentioned above), and verse 144 

“Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him…” were revealed regarding the Battle of Uhud.

Jews gathering in Madina

The reason for the revealing of verse [12] in al imran surah is that when the Messenger of Allah -peace be upon him- defeated the people of Quraysh at Badr and had the upper hand, he came to Medina and gathered the Jews, saying: “Oh, Jews, beware of Allah, learn from what happened to Quraysh on the day of Badr, and submit to Islam before you encounter what they encountered then, for you have known that I am a prophet sent, and that was written in your book (Al Torah) and Allah’s covenant with you.” They said: “Do not be deceived that you have battled people who don’t know war (Quraysh) and you prevailed, we swear if you had battled us, you would have known that we are the ones.”

So Allah Almighty revealed in surat imran:

“Say to those who disbelieve, “You will be overcome and gathered together to Hell, and wretched is the resting place.”

The disputing between Jews and Christians

The reason for the revealing of the verse [83] in suratul al imran, is that the Jews and Christians disputed with each other, and they went to the Messenger of Allah -peace be upon him- to adjudicate that dispute between them, as each of the party alleged that they are on the approach of Abraham’s religion -peace be upon him- but the Prophet -peace be upon him- said: “The religion of Abraham disowns both parties. so they got angry, and said: “We swear, we are not satisfied with your decree, and your religion won’t be reliable for us.” 

So Allah Almighty revealed: 

“So is it other than the religion of Allah they desire..”

Jews bragging 

In imran surah in verse [96]: Muslims and Jews once bragged, the Jews said: “The sacred house (bayt Al-Maqdis) is better, and greater than the Kaaba, because it is the prophets’ place of worship, and it is located in the Holy Land.”, and the Muslims said: “Indeed, the Kaaba is better.”

So Allah Almighty revealed this verse:

“Indeed, the first House [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah – blessed and a guidance for the worlds.”

Where was surah al Imran revealed?

It was agreed that surah imran was revealed in Madina.

When was surah al imran revealed?

Surah al e imran was revealed after the ninth year of the Hijrah, the Battle of Uhud was mentioned in it as well as the incidents that took place in it, and the delegation of Najran Christians was mentioned as well, and it was revealed after Surat Al-Anfal and it is the third surah in the Holy Quran.

Why the surah was named al Imran?

Imran’s family

The reason for naming aal imran surah by this name; is that Allah Almighty mentioned Imran and his family in it, and the Messenger -peace be upon him- was the one who referred to the companions -Allah be pleased with them- by naming it that way, since the naming of some of the surahs of the Qur’an was given regarding the stories and events that were mentioned in them, such as naming Surat Al-Baqarah; It was called that way because of the story of the cow mentioned in it. As for Imran, he is the father of Mary, the mother of Eissa (Jesus) -peace be upon them- and Allah mentioned in aal imran surah His power regarding the birth of Mary, and her son Eissa (Jesus) without having a father.

Calling surah al imran by Az-Zahraa

and among the names by which surah al umran was named is Surah Az-Zahraa; As it is proven in the Sahih that the Prophet -peace be upon him- said:

“Recite the Qur’an, for on the day of resurrection it will come as an intercessor for those who recite it. Recite the two shining ones, Baqara and surah al imran.”

Calling Surah imran by Taj Al Qur’an

It was transmitted on the authority of Al-Imam al-Qurtubi that al imran surah was called Taj Al Qur’an (The crown of the Qur’an), but no record was mentioned for the reason for that name.

Is surah imran makki or madani?

Surat imran was revealed in Madina, and for this reason, it was called the Medinite surah. It was agreed that suratul al imran was one of the early Medinite surahs, and it was likely revealed regarding the delegation of Najran Christians.

Who is Imran on surah al Imran?

Who is he?

The story of the Imran family was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and a surah in the Holy Qur’an was named after the Imran family, which is imran surah. Allah Almighty chose the Imran family over both worlds.

 Imran is the father of the Virgin Mary, who is the mother of the Prophet Eissa (Jesus). He was characterized by morality and Allah’s fear. It was said that His name is Imran bin Mathan, and he is the grandfather of Eissa (Jesus) -peace be upon him- and his wife is Hannah bint Faqudh, the mother of the Virgin Mary.

His upbringing and the story of his wife

It was said that Imran was a man from among the Children of Israel, and he is a great and a major scholar, who is one of the offspring of prophets David and Solomon -peace be upon them both- and he had no son.

One day, Imran’s wife saw a bird feeding his son, and she wished if only she had a son, so she prayed to Allah Almighty to give her a boy. And Allah Almighty answered the supplication of Imran’s wife, and she became pregnant, and when she knew of her pregnancy, she vowed what was in her womb to serve Bayt al Maqdisi. She gave birth to a girl, she named her Mary, and she prayed to Allah Almighty to well accept her. As Allah Almighty said in surah imran:

“But when she delivered her, she said, “My Lord, I have delivered a female.” And Allah was most knowing of what she delivered, and the male is not like the female. And I have named her Mary, and I seek refuge for her in You and [for] her descendants from Satan, the expelled [from the mercy of Allah].”

What is the meaning of surah al Imran? 

Allah Almighty mentioned al imran (Imran’s family) in surah al umran, so who are they and what is so special about them? 

They are:

 1- Imran bin Matan.

 2- The wife is Hannah, daughter of Faquz.

 3- Hannah’s sister, and is the wife of Zacharias.

 4- Maryam bint Imran.

 5- Harun bin Imran.

 6-Eissa (Jesus), son of Mary.

Those are the family members of Imran, whose honorable surah al imran was named after them. It presents them as role models for the believers of Allah in the era of the Prophet -peace be upon him- and for every era that came after. And It addressed the Christians of the People of the Book to follow their steps in approaching the true religion, and not being rebelled against it, It’s the Islam that is known for worshiping only one God, and denying Jesus and his mother as part of that worshiping, yet at the same time setting them to the ranks of the righteous, and foretelling of Allah Almighty choosing for them, and for their family (mentioned above.)


This is a clear indication that the path that the believers take to their Lord is a flourishing path full of those who seek Allah’s consent, embracing all the love and kindness… It is the straight path.

How many ayat in surah al imran ?

Surah al e imran is one of the longest seven surahs in the Holy Qur’an, and it consisted of 200 verses.

How many verses are there in surah al Imran?

The number of verses of aal imran surah is 200 verses that include many stories and lessons that can help one in their own life, and organize the matters of the Muslim community.

Surah al imran tafseer

Surah al umran implies a number of purposes, among which we mention:


Confirming monotheism

Determining the fundamentalist of Sharia (Islamic laws), represented in the creed of monotheism:

“Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence.” (Al Imran: 2).

Implementation of justice 

Fundamentalists of Sharia, represented in the creed of justice:

“Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angels and those of knowledge – [that He is] maintaining [creation] in justice.”(Al Imran: 18).

Mandating Prophecy

Fundamentalists of Sharia, represented in the creed of prophecy:

“Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of ‘Imran over the worlds -“ (Al Imran: 33).


Fundamentalists of Sharia, are represented in the creed of resurrection. This is indicated by the Allah Almighty’s saying: 

“Our Lord, surely You will gather the people for a Day about which there is no doubt. Indeed, Allah does not fail in His promise.” (Al-Imran: 9).

Imposing Al-Hajj

It also intended to establish some mandatory rulings such as Hajj (pilgrimage) as in Allah’s saying:

“And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House – for whoever is able to find thereto a way.” (Al Imran: 97)

Imposing Al-jihad

Some other mandatory rulings such as jihad:

“And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.” (Al Imran: 169).

Establishing good manners 

Also, It was intended to explain a set of behavioral manners, which is what was established by the comprehensive verse, as Allah Almighty’s saying:

“O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful.”

Refuting Christians

One of the main purposes for which surah al imran was revealed is to argue with the Christians about their false beliefs, invalidate their creed, and deny the suspicions contained in their deviant beliefs, or what they deliberately propagated about the validity of the Prophet’s message.

Denying polytheism

The story of Jesus (and the stories that came to complement it) denies the idea of Allah’s having ​​a son and a partner and completely precludes it. It shows the falseness of this suspicion and the absurdity of its perception; 

Telling the story of the Virgin Mary

It simplifies the story of the Virgin Mary, her birth and her life history, the birth of Jesus, the date of his resurrection, and the incidents that were included, in a way that leaves no room for arousing any suspicion of him being nothing but just a human.

Faithfulness against infidelity  

One of the main purposes of surah al imran was to clarify the distinction between the pure and sincere belief in monotheism, and the false beliefs of the people with deviant and misleading religions.

Proclaiming the eternal conflict 

Among the purposes of al imran surah is to proclaim the inherent and permanent conflict between the people of faith and monotheism and the people of blasphemy and polytheism. This conflict, which has not been faded since the emergence of Islam, is a continuous and evolving conflict, in which the enemies of the Islamic religion make every effort and deception to confuse the truth with falsehood, spread intrust and suspicion, evil and harm into the believers’ spirits, without boredom or tirelessness.

Showing the evil truth behind the enemies 

Surat imran enlightened the believers with the reality of what they believe in, and the reality of what their enemies believe in out of falsehood, and it described the nature of the enemies of those believers, their morals, their actions and their intentions, and it exposed the appearances of science, knowledge, and progress they fake about themselves.

Showing the good truth behind believers 

One of the purposes of suratul al Imran is to clarify the state of the believers with their Lord, it’s where Allah presented tellings of the chosen elite of humans, who were chosen by the Almighty to perform His message, and made them descendants, some of them from others. 

Unveiling Imran’s wife’s conversation

Telling about Imran’s wife’s conversation with her Lord, and monologuing Him regarding the matter of her newborn. And In the conversation between Mary and Zakaria, peace be upon him.  And in the prayer of Zakaria, and his monologue with his lord. And in apostles’ responses to their prophet, and their supplication to their Lord.

Caring for believers’ souls

Imran surah intended to dive deep into the believing soul, in terms of its perceptions, feelings, ambitions, desires, motives, and inhibitions.

Dealing with believers’ souls

Surah imran dealt with believers’ souls with all kindness and guidance. We can observe that in the verses which spoke about the events of the Battle of Uhud, when Allah helped them to liberate many evils of thought, behavior and feelings in Muslims’ line, and that is by distinguishing the hypocrites from among the believers, and clarifying the features of hypocrisy and the features of honesty, in words and deeds, in feeling and actions, and clarifying the cost of being faithful, and the cost of calling to be so, and the necessities of preparing with knowledge and work.

Calling for commitment to Allah’s way

Commitment to worship Allah and follow him in every step of the way, and return to Him in victory and defeat, in death and life, and in every matter concerning life.

Establishing Allah’s sunnah 

The purpose surah al e imran is to establish Sunnah (Allah’s own norms) in the life of a Muslim, which is that the facts and events of life -victory and defeat, success and failure, progress and backwardness- only take place in accordance with the Allah’s norms, according to which He established this universe. Turning away from them or ignoring them will cause loss and failure and the evil that befalls man is from what his hands have done.

Observing the truth behind life

One of the purposes of imran surah is to clarify that this universe is an open book, carrying in itself the evidence of faith and its signs. It implies that behind this earthly life there is another life, judgment, and a reward. 

Surah al imran benefits 


  • Surah imran will intercede on behalf of its reciter on the Day of Resurrection with Al-Baqara.
  • The Prophet Companions, Allah be pleased with them, glorified the reciter of Al-Baqarah and surah al e imran.
  • Surah aal imran in which the greatest name of Allah -the Highest- is mentioned in these two verses: “And your deity is One deity, there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim.” And the Opening of surah al umran: “Alif. Lām. Mīm. Allah, None has the right to be worshipped but He, the Ever Living, the Sustainer.”


How to memorize surah Imran?

Knowing the greatness of the Holy Qur’an

The learner should learn the importance of the Qur’an recitation, memorization, and the way it was revealed to Muhammad the messager of Allah -peace be upon him- in an enthusiastic way that can motivate him/her to memorize the Holy Qura’an.

divide surah al imran into sections

The learner should divide al imran surah into several sections, and each section should be interrelated with the other, and as it is known, surat imran contains many stories, hence, this must be invested in the memorization process.

Knowing the explanation of each section of suratul al imran separately. 

When the learner understands what he/she is about to memorize, this makes it easier for him/her to memorize, and this is an adopted strategy in international and local schools and universities.

Listening to the proper recitation of suratul al imran

That must be according to the rules of the Quranic recitation and intonation, and it is better to be aware of a small part of these rules.

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Hadith on surah al imran 

Ibn Abbas reported: “The Messenger of Allah -peace be upon him- slept until the middle of the night, either a little before it, or a little after it. He woke up and wiped the sleep from his eyes, then recited the last ten verses of al imran surah till the end of it.” Narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih: [2579]

It is a hadith that indicates the greatness of the last ten verses of the surat imran

Surah imran summary

Suratul al imran spoke in detail about the hypocrisy and the hypocrites and their discouraging attitude towards the believers, then it concluded with a reflection on the kingdom of heavens and earth including the ultimate perfection and creativity, and wonders and secrets that indicate the existence of Allah Almighty.  

Surah imran concluded by mentioning jihad and the mujahideen in that unique and comprehensive commandment, by which good is achieved, victory is magnified, and success is completed.

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