
Why was surah Fussilat revealed? | Quran Oasis

Let’s know why was surah Fussilat revealed. Surat Fussilat has fifty-four verses and belongs to the Seven Family. Its verses are centred around philosophical ideas including unity, the message, resurrection, restitution, and reckoning. Our website in this article provides you with the reasons for the revelation of Surat Fussilat. Surah Fussilat The word Fussilat appears in the initial verses of this surah, which is why was surah Fussilat revealed. Verse 30 of Surat Fussilat’s explanation of the revelation made note of it. The reason this verse was revealed about Abu Bakr, according to Atta on the authority of Ibn Abbas, is because the polytheists declared: “Our Lord is God, and the angels are His daughters, and these are our intercessors with God.” They did not straighten out, and the Jews asserted: “Our Lord is God, and the Mighty is His son, and Muhammad is not a prophet.” Abu Bakr declared: “Our Lord is God alone, He has no partner!” What is surah Fussilat about? One of th

Why was Surah Hijr Revealed?

Surah hijr (In Arabic:الحِجْرْ) is one of the Meccan surahs that were revealed in Mecca to relieve the Prophet of his grief at the separation of his loved ones.   Surah al hijr was revealed in a difficult period in the life of the Prophet, during which he lost his wife, who was a support for him during the call to Islam, and his uncle Abu Talib, and most of the narrations that mentioned the reason for the revelation of Surah hijr are all weak.   What is surah hijr about? Al hijr surah talks through its verses about some matters related to the Muslim, such as:   The verses of surah e hijr threatened those who belied Allah and stubbornly rejected His prophets, despite the presence of evidence and arguments.   Allah can bring down His punishment and wrath on the unjust people and show them His power and greatness in this world.   Surah al hijr talks about the power of Allah in His creation from the sky, the universe, the extended earth, plants, winds, the steep mount

What is the main theme of surah al furqan?

What is the main theme of surah al furqan? Surah al furqan ( in Arabic: الفرقان, meaning: The Criterion) is the 25th chapter surah of the Qur’an, also known as Tabarak (تبارك), Al furqan means separator of the truth from falsehood. Surah Al-Furqan discusses topics such as monotheism, Qiyamah, prophethood, and fighting idolatry and its final verses talk about the qualities of true believers. Surah al furqan is called Al-Furqan from the word that appears in the first verse. Moreover, the main themes of surah al furqan are: Allah’s gratitude to His servants through the revelation of the Qur’an to them, Allah’s transcendence of children and partners, disparagement of idols, mentioning them for insulting the polytheists against the prophets and messengers, and their request for miracles from them. Humiliating the polytheists with torment, the honor of the believers in Paradise, and Allah’s speech with His angels on the Day of Resurrection will be a threat to the unbelievers and tyr

what are prepositions in Arabic? | Quran Oasis

what are prepositions in Arabic? Prepositions in arabic are letters that enter on nouns only and give them the rule of a preposition (reduction), and it was called by this name because it draws the meaning of the verb that preceded it to the noun that follows it, or because it draws the noun after it “that is, it reduces it.” They are also called addition letters; This is because it adds the meanings of the verbs before it to the nouns after it.  There are verbs that cannot reach the object by themselves, so they reach it by means of a preposition, in the way: the child plays with the ball. how do prepositions work in Arabic? Arabic prepositions are not Arabized in the Arabic language, they are always built, that is, their movement does not change with the change of their position in the sentence.  The preposition in arabic combines the nouns that are associated with them, so the noun is then expressed in this case a plural noun with a preposition. And the prepositions in ar

what is the main theme of surah al mumtahina? | Quran Oasis

what is the main theme of surah al mumtahina? surah mumtahina is madinan surah and its name came from the Arabic word “al imtihan” which means in English “the test”. Muslims have always been tested, their faith, loyalty, and obedience to Allah and his prophet, surah al mumtahina showed us that, since the days of the prophet peace be upon him, the immigrant women who migrated from Meccah to Al Madinah and asked to join the medina community were tested to prove their entire Faith and submission to Allah Almighty. Although the community began to be divided into Muslims and infidels, Muslims were tested in their love and affiliation with relatives, families, and tribes. surah mumtahanah is a turning point in society, here Allah forbade Muslims from those relatives who fought Allah and his prophet, they would have to choose only one side, Allah and prophet, or infidels and their devils. surah e mumtahina is the thin line between faith, hypocrisy, and unbelief. why the surah was named

how to wish for wedding in Islam? | Quran Oasis

how to wish for wedding in Islam? Marriage is the source of happiness and stability for man. Allah Almighty created women to be the sisters of men. A man cannot live without a woman, and a woman cannot live without a man.  The Almighty said: (And Allah has made for you in your homes a residence), and the meaning of the noble verse Real stability and tranquility can only be found in a married life based on affection and love. Marriage in Islam is based on satisfying human desires in a way that pleases Allah Almighty, far from indecency, evil, adultery, and incest. This is why the Messenger, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him. Explained to the youth group its importance, by saying: So, let’s learn about wedding wishes in islam through our article. What do you say to a married couple in Islam? marriage congratulations in Islam , to pray for the newlyweds with good wishes, here are the most beautiful supplications: Allah blesses him and his wife and his family and Allah ble

when to say subhanallah? | Quran Oasis

The worship of the subhanallah is one of the easiest acts of worship for the Muslim person during the day and night.  Its benefits are that it makes the Muslim closer to Allah Almighty, and the person who remembers feels Allah helps him in every moment of his life. As well as the blessing in age, time and daily chores. Including Glory be to Allah” subhanalla ” and praise be to Him and Glory be to Allah the Great, and what follows from the article mentions its benefits and virtues. subhanallah meaning The term “Glory be to Allah” subhanalla ” is used to refer to what is intended to be exalted, and Allah – Glory be to Him and the Highest – is above all shortcomings. And He has been characterized – the Almighty – with all the attributes of perfection and majesty. As for the term “Glory be to Allah” subhana allah “; It is a command to praise; That is, glorify Allah – the Highest – and Ibn Abbas – may Allah be pleased with him – said that every glorification in the Qur’an is inclu