
عرض المشاركات من مايو, ٢٠٢٢

What is the message of surah Quraish? | Quran oasis

What is the message of surah Quraish? The message of surah Quraish (Arabic: سورة قريش ) , Allah is the protective and preserver from all fears in our life, he is the Powerful God, the bestower of Honors who granted Quraish with their neighborhood to the sacred house “Ka’aba”. He is the opener and the sustainer who expanded their sustenance, although the Arabian Peninsula was a barren land with no water to cultivate or special industry. Allah is the enricher who bestowed Quraish their dignity and their special respect and place among Arabs due to his preserving the sacred house, And he is the only one truly worthy of worship. What is surah Quraish about? Allah granted Quraish many gifts, one of them being preserving from fear and starving, their dignity and special place among Arabian tribes, but they forgot and took their idols without Allah.  So surah Kuraish is memory and exhortation to them to remember and return to worship Allah, the only God worthy to be worshiped.  What d

What Is The Message Of Surah Feel? | Quran oasis

What Is The Message Of Surah Feel? The main message of surah feel ( Arabic : سورة الفيل )  is that Allah The Almighty is informing the infidels and the disbelievers of Makkah that he destroyed his enemies led by Abraha (The Ethiopian governor who was ruling Yemen in that era) before when he and his people tried to destroy the Kaaba (A cubic building in the center of Allah’s sacred place inside the most sacred mosque in Makkah “ Bayt Allah Al-Haram ”), and he is capable of destroying them as well if they try to harm his Messenger and Prophet Muhammed (Peace and Blessings of Allah Upon him) and his Muslim followers and companions (May Allah be pleased with them).   Surah Feel meaning Surah Al feel is introducing the incidents of the Elephant Army invasion of Makkah that occurred during the year of birth of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). “ Abraha al Ashram” was the ruler of Yemen on behalf of the King of Ethiopia. Abraha thought of building a place (like the Kaa