
عرض المشاركات من أبريل, ٢٠٢٢

Why Lail Comes Before Nahar In Surah Takwir?

Why Lail Comes Before Nahar In Surah Takwir? Allah, The wisest used to deliver us messages through the Holy Quran. He always sends us proof that He is the creator of the whole universe and proof that the Holy Quran is his revelation to the whole of Mankind. In Surah Takwir ( Arabic: سورة التكوير ) written Surah At Takwir Allah mentioned Lail (Night) before Nahar (Morning) because before Allah created the sun in our galaxy (The Milky Way Galaxy), darkness was covering the whole earth so in our case, this darkness was considered night. After that Allah created the Sun to shine over the Earth and this was the first morning on earth. This means that it is a solid fact that the night came before morning in creation. Mentioning this fact in Surah Takwir is giving evidence that assures that Allah is the creator and the Quran is His word sent to people as the last revelation. What is the meaning of At-Takwir? Quran Surah Takwir is giving us a description of a scene from the scenes of J

What Is The Message Of Surah Qariah? | Quran oasis

What Is The Message Of Surah Qariah? All of us know that there will be consequences for our actions. “What comes around, goes around.”, for this sake, we have to behave well in this life to get rewarded in the afterlife. Surah Qariah ( Arabic: سورة القارعة ) awesomely delivers this message; when we are resurrected to be judged by Allah on the Day Of Judgement, we will feel lost, going here and there for fear of meeting Allah by carrying our sins above our shoulders. So if you were good in this life, you will be rewarded by Allah with his prize of entering his paradise. But if you behave badly, Allah forbids, you will be punished forever after judgment in the hellfire. Al Qariah meaning The Holy Quran was used to introduce unique words and meanings that the Arabs who were living in the period of Islam revelation were not familiar with. Many of them were poets and experts in the Arabic language, and they were always holding poetry tournament festivals to prove their professionalism

Surah Tariq Benefits & Lesson | Quran Oasis

The virtues of reciting surah Tariq (Arabic: سورة الطارق ) written Surah Al-Tariq is that it is one of the spiritual chapters that explain and glorify the Creator’s making and his ability to revive and resurrect. Allah explains, through His verses, the great power to create the heavens and the planets and stars that contain them, piercing with their light the intense darkness. He swore by it at the beginning of his verses because of its greatness and great value. Al Tariq meaning? By At-Tariq ( Arabic: الطارق ), he means the very luminous star that pierces the darkness with its light. It penetrates the sky and reaches the earth. When Abu Talib was sitting with the Messenger, he saw a star shining in the sky, So he asked the Messenger and told him that it is a star that Allah threw into the sky to illuminate the earth from its streak of light and glow. Al-Tariq was mentioned in the first two verses to indicate his greatness and the manifestation of Allah’s power in creating

What is the shahada in the first pillar of islam?

What is the shahada in the first pillar of Islam? The ‘Six Articles of Faith’ are accepted by all practicing Muslims, and they must adhere to the ‘Five Pillars.’ They are as follows: shahada ,( The Islamic shahada) , or Muslim statement of faith. Salah (Ritual Prayer). Zakah (obligatory charity). Sawing or fasting Hajj or pilgrimage. The First Staircase The Islamic shahada is the Muslim faith profession and the first of Islam’s “Five Pillars.” In Arabic, the word Islamic shahada signifies ‘testimony.’ The purpose of the Islamic shahada is to attest to two things: (a) Except for God, nothing is worthy of worship (Allah). (b) Muhammad is God’s Messenger (Allah). A Muslim is just someone who affirms that “nothing is worthy of worship save God, and Muhammad is God’s messenger.” By making this simple declaration, one becomes a Muslim. shahada is obligatory for every Muslim to recite it at least once in his or her lifetime, with full comprehension of its significance and he