
عرض المشاركات من مارس, ٢٠٢٢

Who is Moses in Islam? | Quran oasis

Moses in Islam (Arabic: موسى بن عمران ) written ( Moses , Musa , musa ibn Imran ) is one of the possessors of constancy of messengers that were sent by Allah, and the most individual prophet to be mentioned in the Quran in many positions, he was mentioned in Quran 136 times. “And we sent Moses with our verses to bring your people from dark to light and remind them by the days of Allah”  Allah said in Surat Ibrahim,verse5. Is Moses in the Quran? The prophet Musa (Arabic: موسى عليه السلام ) was the most Prophet who was mentioned in Quran as we said he was mentioned 136 times. Here we will mention some verses about Moses in the Quran : “And when we gave Moses the book and the criterion for you to be guided” surat Al-Bakara, verse 53. Here, Allah is talking to the Israelites that he sent the prophet Musa PBUH to them with the book ”Torah”, which contained the legislations that will guide them to the ٌright way. “Moses said to his people that the earth is for Allah, that he i

How To Pray maghrib prayer? | Quran oasis

 Before we talk about How To Pray Maghrib prayer? we should know first what the Maghrib Prayer is. Maghrib Prayer ( Arabic: صلاة المغرب ) written ( pray Maghrib , Maghrib  is one of the five obligatory prayers in Islam which mean faridah (فريضة), and it is the first mandatory salah at night, as well as the fourth prayer of the day and night. It is a loud prayer consisting of three rak’ahs fard.  The middle tashahhud after two rak’ahs, and the last tashahhud at the end of the third rak’ah. and after that, there is maghrib prayer sunnah which is 2 rak’ahs with one tashahhud. When is maghrib prayer time? Maghrib prayer (Arabic: المغرب صلاة ) is called sunset prayer because the period for it begins shortly after sunset, following the Asr prayer, and ends at the beginning of the night, at the start of the Isha prayer. This maghrib prayer time is  according to Sunni Muslims. Time starts: After the Asr prayer hour has ended and the sun has completely sunk under the horizon.

What Is The Difference Between Tawbah And Istighfar?

As a Muslim, I believe that Allah is the Most Merciful and Most Kind (Al Rahman Al Rahim). I always feel lucky to believe in such a Merciful Allah who legislates Tawbah and Istighfar for Muslims to purify and cleanse their souls from the trials of Sins and Trespassing they committed towards themselves or against others. Tawbah ( Arabic: التوبة ) and Istighfar   ( Arabic: الاستغفار ) are considered the way out from accumulating evil inside the human soul causing its destruction in the end and they represent the ultimate kindness of Allah towards his worshipers and granting them forgiveness regardless of what they have done wrong and to what extent they have sinned. In the Holy Quran Allah Says: (يُريدُ اللهُ أن يُخفِّفَ عنكم وخُلِقَ الإنسانُ ضعيفًا) ( Yuryd Allah ‘An Yukhfif Ankum Wkhuliq Al’Insan Daeyfa) (Allah wants to lighten your burden, and man was created weak)   Tawbah and Istighfar are introduced as two different techniques leading to forgiveness of Allah and p

learning the dotted Arabic alphabet for kids | Quran oasis

Teaching a child the dotted Arabic alphabet is one of the things that many people find difficult and inaccessible, but there are actually some important and useful rules that make it easy.  Through the following, we will learn together how to teach children the dotted Arabic alphabet for children can be taught the alphabet at a very early age, listening to the sounds of the letters first so that they can pronounce them correctly and soon the child will develop the ability to associate shapes with letter sounds so that he can reach a certain start in reading in the first stage, and then start teaching the child to write something Little by little. In the process of teaching your children to write letters, you will gradually feel relaxed and stress-free Two to three years is a good time to start teaching the dotted Arabic alphabet to children, as children at this age can pronounce it well, a 4-year-old is likely to know all the letters of the dotted Arabic alphabet, and children ar

What Is Isha prayer? | Quran oasis

The isha prayer (Arabic: صلاة العشاء ,” night prayer ”) is one of the five salah that Allah has imposed on us in Islam. The isha prayers have great virtue, and Islam urges us not to miss it. Our day in Islam begins with the moment of sunset, so the isha prayer is considered the second prayer of the day, and it is the fifth prayer in case you counted from the mid of the night. Uthman reported that he heard Muhammad saying: “The one of who offered Isha salat in a congregation, it was as if he remained in salat up to midnight, and he who offered the Fajr salah in a congregation, it was as if he remained in salah the whole night. ” روى أنه سمع محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول:”كأن من صلى العشاء في جماعة كأنه بقي في صلاة حتى منتصف الليل، ومن صلى صلاة الفجر كأنه بقي في الصلاة الليل بأكمله.” There is hadith about isha prayer , Abu Hurairah reported that he heard Muhammad say:” The most difficult salat for Munafiqeen is Isha and Fajr. If they had known their rewards, they wouldn’t have m